
List kotlin
List kotlin

list kotlin

In this case, we’re using the filterIsInstance() function to return a List of elements of type Integer. Val filterList = countr圜ode.filterIsInstance()ĪssertTrue(ntainsAll(listOf(49,91,81,61))) The filterIsInstance() function can be used to return a List of elements of a specified type: val countr圜ode = listOf("Germany", 49, null, "India", 91, "Japan", 81, "Brazil", null, "Australia", 61) In this example, the filterIndexedTo() function appends the resulting two elements matching the predicate to the mutableList. It then returns a List of elements matching the given predicate: val filterList = countries.filterIndexed )ĪssertTrue(ntainsAll(listOf("United States","Canada","Germany","Australia"))) The predicate of this function uses both the index and the element as arguments.

list kotlin

We can use the filterIndexed() function to utilize the element position in the filter.

List kotlin